Board: 2022-23

Chairman – Jeppe Marsling (b. 1974, Denmark), founder
Graduated his secondary education from Sct. Annae Music High School, president of OBESSU, Organizing Bureau of European School Student Unions (1994-96). After studying Philosophy at Roskilde University (1996-2003), he published a children’s book (Animals of Asgaard, 2007) and essays; editor of culture and editor in chief of the Copenhagen Newspaper (2006-09). In 2006, he wrote lyrics for the choir piece Hymn for Human Rights. Editor for film (2013-15), editor for Europe (2015-16) on the online magazine Netudgaven. Co-founder of the EU Songbook Association, 2015; chairman until 2022

Treasurer – Jens Svane Boutrup (b. 1973, Denmark), founder
Since he was educated as s stage director (MFA) from Brooklyn College in New York, Jens has both dramatised and translated several plays, both for children and adults. Recently Border Syndrome, a drama based on A Short Border Handbook by Gazmend Kapllani. From 2005 through 2008 he was head of the Theatre Momentum. Since 2008, he has been the head of Bornholm’s Theatre. Co-founder of the EU Songbook Association, 2015; treasurer until 2022.

Vice Chairman / Secretary – David Drachmann Laureng (b. 1973, Denmark)
Educated Scenic artist from The Royal Theatre in Copenhagen, where he accordingly worked (1996-2016) and served as a board member (2012-15), and BA of Art History and Educational Theory. Ad hoc teacher at the Danish National School of Performing Arts. Recently he has been heading the restoration of the stage of Denmark’s oldest theater, Rønne Theater, and is currently a historic consultant for the board who is restoring The Royal Court Theater. David made the art work for the EU Songbook’s 27 song nominations and national song votes since 2015. Secretary until 2022.

Board Member – Liesbeth Segers, Koor&Stem (Belgium)
Koor&Stem is a non-profit organisation that supports more than 1000 choirs, 35.000 singers and conductors across Flanders. In addition Liesbeth is one of four central music editors on the EU Songbook.

Board Member – Nuno Bettencourt Mendes, APEM (Portugal)
APEM is the Portuguese Music Teacher Association and just had 50 years jubilee.

Board Member – Rūta Kanteruka, LVIIMSA (Latvia)
LVIIMSA is the Latvian Music Teachers’ Association (LV-MTA). In Latvian it uses its’ short name LVIIMSA.

Board Member – Egli Spyridaki, Music Academy ARTE (Cyprus)
Egli is Director of Music Academy ARTE, the first music school of higher education in Cyprus.